26 July 2023

Alderholt Public Consultation on Proposed Residential Development Scheme

Cranborne Estate is preparing a planning application for c.65 dwellings on land north of Station Road, within the area known as ‘Stroud Firs’.

As part of the application process, the Estate seeks the views of the local community on the principle of a housing development tucked into a woodland setting.

Alderholt is a unique village, and as such is the focus of much developer interest.  As a local landowner, it is the Estate’s ambition to deliver a small development tailored to its location and community needs so that it is well related to the existing village. With your input, Stroud Firs presents an opportunity to provide a large area of public open space, accessible woodland with public footpaths through and around this area which is currently privately owned.

The Estate has appointed a team of highly qualified architects and technical consultants to advise on how to create a thoughtfully designed development that integrates well with the village. At this stage, the team is establishing where best to locate houses and this is shown in yellow on the plan overleaf. The specific housing mix and the design have yet to be decided but the team anticipate a good mix suitable for local families, including designating a proportion the new homes as affordable housing.

The Estate has undertaken initial surveys into the trees, drainage, ecology, archaeology and access which can be seen on the Development Framework Document. This was submitted to Council in March 2021 as a detailed summary of our findings.  The document can be found below. Further studies are now underway to establish the precise area for development, and how the open space and recreational areas can best meet the needs of the existing and future residents of Alderholt.


 The Estate welcomes your comments on the draft proposals. Please would you provide your comments by email to admin@rawplanning.co.uk by Friday 1st September 2023.

Some of the issues we would particularly like to know more about include:

  • If new housing is built in Alderholt, how much and of what type would you like to see?
  • What special qualities of Alderholt would you like to see reflected in a new development?
  • What type of facilities would you like in the area denoted as ‘PARK’ on the plan overleaf?  Natural dog walking areas, children’s playing facilities, something for teenagers?
  • What facilities do you think could benefit the community of Alderholt?

Read the full Development Framework Statement here – RAW_Pl – Stroud Firs_DevFrmwkStatement

All comments received will be reviewed and addressed as we progress with a scheme layout. We will host an exhibition of the application proposals in October, prior to the submission of a formal planning application to Dorset Council.

Alderholt Public Consultation on Proposed Residential Development Scheme - Cranborne Estate